Cohesion and success: what a company network really brings

On the one hand, company networks strengthen a company from within. On the other hand, they are extremely valuable for promoting the exchange of knowledge and networking between employees. This is precisely why our company network “equalITy by IGZ” was created. In this blog post, we present our IGZ network and answer the question of why company networks are relevant at all.


Why exactly are company networks important?

Meeting colleagues

We hold summer parties, Christmas parties and other exciting events every year. Despite these numerous events, it is not possible in a healthy, growing company to know or make contact with all employees. Company networks therefore offer a good opportunity to exchange ideas with people. This increases mutual understanding and also serves as a form of professional development. In addition to expanding professional contacts, networking also offers the opportunity to promote a collaborative working environment. Regular exchanges create a culture of openness. This not only supports the flow of knowledge, but also facilitates collaboration.

Thinking outside the box

In addition to discussions with colleagues from your own or similar specialist area, an exchange with people from outside the field holds great potential. The discussion partners not only gain new perspectives that they were previously unaware of, but often also discover unexpected solutions to existing challenges. The different professional backgrounds open up new ways of thinking and approaches that can lead to innovative ideas and creative solution strategies. Such interdisciplinary discussions help to look at complex issues from a more holistic perspective and to recognize synergies between different disciplines. In the long term, this leads to stronger networking and even better cooperation.

Finding role models

A company network brings together employees with different levels of professional experience and different career paths. It is quite possible that role models will emerge within this framework. This allows them to benefit from experience, know-how and insider knowledge. Company networks can also help to build mentoring relationships. Here, experienced employees pass on their knowledge and skills to younger generations. On the one hand, this promotes individual professional development. On the other hand, it also supports the long-term promotion and retention of talent within the company.

Creating new ideas

Networking events also generate new ideas for company projects and measures. Employees from different areas provide input with their respective perspectives and their own defined priorities. The open atmosphere allows ideas to be shared without bias. This usually results in unconventional approaches and innovative ways of thinking. These fresh ideas can lead to decisive competitive advantages. Why? They make it possible to recognize trends at an early stage or to break completely new ground. Subsequently, interdisciplinary working groups can be formed to further develop the best ideas and turn them into feasible projects. This strengthens the company's innovative power in the long term.

Giving and receiving support

Mutual support plays a major role in a company network. A protected framework should be created in which potential conflicts and standstills can be addressed. This promotes a constructive error culture in which challenges become learning opportunities. Collegial exchange not only provides a short-term remedy, it also allows long-term strategies to be developed to avoid conflicts and improve collaboration. Open communication within the network also strengthens trust between those involved. This makes it easier to address sensitive issues.

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