Conditions of participation with data protection information for raffles

Participation in online and social media competitions and their implementation are governed by the following provisions.

Insofar as this is a Facebook/Instagram raffle, the following applies: all information in the context of this raffle is provided exclusively by the organizer and/or the prize sponsor. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland ("Meta") has no connection whatsoever with this raffle and does not sponsor, endorse or organize this raffle. There are therefore no legal claims against Meta.

1. Raffles

The organizer of the raffle is IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH, Logistikweg 1, 95685 Falkenberg (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer")

1.2 The participation period for the raffle (hereinafter referred to as the "campaign period") can be found directly in the raffle.

If the raffle mechanism differs from the mechanisms described in section 4 paragraph 1 of these terms and conditions, this will be described directly in the raffle entry window, including the option to enter.
If participation via Facebook/Instagram is possible, participation in the raffle takes place according to the description in the participation window of the raffle

(a) either by using a Facebook/Instagram application (hereinafter referred to as "application") on Facebook/Instagram. This Meta-linked application can be installed free of charge in the participant's Facebook/Instagram profile. Once the participant has activated the "Like" button, they can take part in the raffle by answering the raffle question(s);
(b) or directly on the Facebook/Instagram website of the organizer. In such a case, the participant can take part in the raffle by entering the following under the raffle posting on the commercial Facebook page or on the commercial Instagram profile a) answers the raffle question(s) with a comment or several comments; b) posts images/entries; c) "likes" the entry etc. If the participant uploads images, videos or texts as part of a post and/or comment, the participant guarantees the organizer that he/she is the legal owner of the rights required for this.
The logged time is decisive for the time of participation. Answers/posts/comments/likes that are not submitted within the campaign period will not be taken into account. Neither the Organizer, Facebook, Instagram, Meta nor the Cooperation Partners (as defined below) are responsible for any delays in the submission or transmission of the answer and participant data.

1.4 The prizes of the raffle are provided by various partners (hereinafter referred to as "prize sponsor"), so that the organizer only offers the prizes on behalf of the respective prize sponsor. The organizer is not obligated to provide any service of its own, unless it is the sponsor of the prize in the specific case. Otherwise, the respective prize sponsor is the promoter in accordance with § 657 BGB and thus solely responsible for all claims relating to the prizes offered.
2. Participant


Unless otherwise stated, persons who have reached the age of 18 are eligible to participate in this raffle. Minors under the age of 18 are excluded from participation. Prizes will not be distributed to minors whose participation is expressly excluded.
2.2 Participation in the raffle and the distribution of prizes are restricted to participants with a registration address in Germany and Austria.
2.3 The participant is solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided for participation in the raffle (including the relevant data in the participant's corresponding social media account). All personal details must be truthful. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the raffle in accordance with section 3 (4).
2.4 Each participant may only take part in the raffle once.
3. Exclusion from the raffle
3.1 Employees and relatives of IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH or its affiliated companies as well as the participating providers and prize sponsors involved in the implementation of the raffle are excluded from participation.
3.2 In the event of a breach of these conditions of participation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from the raffle and not to pay out prizes or to subsequently disallow and reclaim them. This applies in particular if the participant provides false information or violates applicable law or the rights of third parties. This applies in particular to comments that are considered offensive or contain false statements of fact or violate intellectual property rights. The participant releases the organizer from any liability for any legal violations by the participant.
3.3 Persons who make use of unauthorized aids or otherwise gain advantages through manipulation are also excluded. In such cases, winnings may also be subsequently disallowed and reclaimed.
3.4 Anyone who provides false information about themselves or takes part in the raffle more than once is also excluded.
4. implementation and handling of the raffle
4.1 During the campaign period, participants will be asked one or more raffle questions. All prizes will be presented on the raffle page. The winner(s) will be chosen at random from all participants at the end of the campaign period.
Participation options, entry rules, prize draws etc. that deviate from this raffle mechanism will be explained to the participant directly on the competition entry screen. In such a case - unless otherwise described there - only these deviating regulations apply.
4.2 Winners will be notified in writing after the end of the raffle. The prize will then be handed over in direct contact between the winner and the prize sponsor in accordance with the following conditions on prize notification and forfeiture of the prize. 
If the raffle is organized directly on Facebook or Instagram, the winners will be notified by the organizer via the Facebook profile or Instagram profile of the respective winner after the end of the raffle. Alternatively, the winners can also be announced after the end of the raffle via the organizer's Facebook profile or Instagram profile. Each winner must then contact the organizer via a private message to the organizer's Facebook page / Instagram page with their real name within 4 working days of receiving notification of the prize on their Facebook profile / Instagram profile or announcement of the winner on the organizer's Facebook profile / Instagram profile. If a winner does not respond within this period, the prize will be forfeited.
4.3 The item presented as a prize in the raffle is not necessarily identical to the item won. In fact, there may be deviations in terms of model, color, etc. The prize sponsor reserves the right to select an item of average type and quality as the prize.
4.4 The non-cash prizes will be sent by the prize sponsor or a third party commissioned by the prize sponsor by forwarding agent, parcel service or post to the postal address specified by the winner. Delivery is free of charge within the Federal Republic of Germany. Any additional transportation costs and customs duties shall be borne by the winner. The place of performance remains the registered office of the prize sponsor despite the assumption of the shipping costs. In the event that delivery is made by a forwarding agent, the forwarding agent will contact the winner to arrange a delivery date. Delivery is usually made Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. The winner must also provide an alternative address in their immediate vicinity to which the prize can be delivered in their absence. If the shipping company does not find anyone at the winner's address or at the alternative address, a message will be left. The winner must bear the costs of a new delivery.
4.5 If the prize cannot be sent or can only be sent under unreasonable circumstances, the winner will receive an equivalent replacement. The winner will also receive an equivalent replacement if the original prize is no longer available in the version presented (model change, seasonal goods, etc.).
4.6 A cash payment of the winnings or a possible prize replacement is not possible under any circumstances.
4.7 The entitlement to profit or profit compensation may not be assigned.
4.8 Complaints relating to the implementation of the prize draw must be submitted in writing to the organizer within 14 days of the reason for the complaint becoming known, stating the name of the prize draw. Complaints made by telephone or late complaints will not be processed. Queries, complaints and claims relating to the prizes are to be made exclusively to the respective prize sponsor.
5. Forfeiture of profit
5.1 Unless otherwise stipulated in these conditions of participation, the winner is obliged to respond within 24 hours of the notification being sent. Otherwise the claim to the prize will be forfeited. Unless otherwise stipulated in these conditions of participation, a new winner will be drawn by lot in such cases. The entitlement to the prize shall also lapse if the prize cannot be sent within four (4) weeks of the first notification of the prize for reasons attributable to the winner.
6. Premature termination of the raffle
6.1 The organizer reserves the right to change, cancel or terminate the raffle at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. The organizer will make use of this option in particular if, for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons, the proper execution of the raffle cannot be guaranteed. If such a termination is caused by the conduct of a participant, the organizer may demand compensation from this person for the damage incurred.
7. Data protection
7.1 The organizer is responsible for data processing in connection with the raffle: 
IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH
Logistikweg 1
95685 Falkenberg
7.2 The named controller is jointly responsible for the data processing on the Facebook/Instagram fan page on which the raffle is organized, together with Facebook/Instagram (Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland) within the meaning of Art. 26 GDPR.
7.3 The organizer processes the personal data of the participant for the proper execution and handling of the raffle and in particular for sending the prize. The profile name and, if available, the first name and surname of the respective participant and their email address will be collected and stored in order to carry out the raffle. To send the prize, the surname, first name and address of the winner(s) will also be collected. This data will be passed on to the respective prize sponsor or the agency responsible for the prize sponsor or a commissioned shipping company for the aforementioned purpose. No other personal data will be passed on to third parties. The legal basis for this processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (implementation of pre-contractual measures and fulfillment of a contract).
7.4 (Only if applicable:)
If the organizer publishes the first name and surname of the winner(s) separately on their profile or fan page or discloses them externally, this will only be done with the prior express consent of the winner(s) in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.
7.5 After the end of the raffle, the organizer will delete the processed personal data no later than three months after the end of the raffle if they are no longer required for the above-mentioned purposes, unless there is effective consent for further processing and/or there is no legitimate interest in further storage.
7.6 Every participant has the right at any time to request information about the personal data stored by the organizer in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR. The same applies to the deletion of the corresponding data by the organizer in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, the correction in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR and the restriction of processing in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR as well as information in accordance with Art. 19 GDPR and data portability in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR. Every participant is entitled to revoke consent granted in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR and to complain about the processing of their data to the competent supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR.
7.7 The participant may object to data processing which the organizer bases on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e or f GDPR under the conditions of Art. 21 GDPR.
7.8 All personal data of the participants will be processed and used by the organizer in accordance with the statutory provisions. Further information on data protection and the contact details of the organizer's data protection officer can be found at 
8. Revocation
8.1 The participant is free to withdraw at any time at to have his/her registration data deleted and thus withdraw from participation.
9. Liability
9.1 The organizer shall be released from all obligations upon fulfilment or handover of the prize, unless an earlier point in time results from these regulations.
9.2 Claims due to possible material and/or legal defects in the prizes donated by the prize sponsors are to be asserted exclusively against them.
9.3 The organizer is not liable for the insolvency of a prize sponsor and the resulting consequences for the implementation of the raffle.
9.4 The organizer is liable without limitation for intent and gross negligence. The organizer is only liable for slight negligence in the event of a breach of a material obligation arising from the raffle, whereby liability is limited to compensation for typically foreseeable damages. An essential obligation in this sense means any obligation whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the competition and on whose compliance the participant may regularly rely. Otherwise, the liability of the organizer is excluded.
9.5 Liability for gross negligence on the part of vicarious agents of the organizer or its employees, insofar as these are not executives, is limited to compensation for typically foreseeable damage, whereby this limitation of liability does not apply to the breach of essential obligations in the above sense.
9.6 The above limitations and exclusions of liability shall not apply in the event of injury to life, limb or health and in the event of liability under the Product Liability Act.
9.7 By participating in the raffle, the participant releases Instagram and Facebook from any liability.
10. Other
10.1 Legal recourse is excluded.
10.2 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively.
10.3 Should any of these provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining conditions of participation.
10.4 These conditions of participation can be changed by the organizer at any time without separate notification.